A Complete Guide to Resolve QuickBooks Error 12157

QuickBooks Error 12157

We understand the frustration that comes with encountering QuickBooks error 12157. This error can occur for a variety of reasons, from internet connection issues to firewall settings blocking access to QuickBooks servers. Regardless of the cause, it’s important to address the issue promptly to avoid data loss and business interruption. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to fix QuickBooks error code 12157 quickly and easily.

QuickBooks Error 12157

What is QuickBooks Error 12157?

QuickBooks Error Code 12157 is a common error that occurs when QuickBooks is unable to connect to the internet. This error can be caused by a variety of factors, including internet connectivity issues, firewall settings blocking QuickBooks access, SSL settings that prevent QuickBooks from connecting to secure sites, outdated versions of Internet Explorer, or malware or virus infections.

When this error occurs, QuickBooks is unable to connect to the internet, which can result in data loss and business interruption. It’s important to address the issue promptly to prevent any potential harm.

Understanding QuickBooks Error Code 12157

QuickBooks error code 12157 is a common error that occurs when QuickBooks is unable to connect to the internet. This error can be caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Internet connectivity issues: Error Code 12157 QuickBooks can occur when there are issues with your internet connection. This can include a weak or unstable connection or a connection that has been interrupted.
  • Firewall settings: If your firewall settings are too strict, QuickBooks may be blocked from accessing the internet, which can cause this error.
  • SSL settings: If your SSL settings are preventing QuickBooks from connecting to secure sites, this can cause QuickBooks Error 12157.
  • Outdated version of Internet Explorer: If you are using an outdated version of Internet Explorer, this can cause QuickBooks to experience errors, including Error Code 12157.
  • Malware or virus infections: Malware or virus infections can cause a variety of issues on your computer, including errors within QuickBooks.
  • Network connectivity issues: If you are experiencing issues with your network connectivity, this can cause QuickBooks to be unable to access the internet and result in Error Code 12157.
  • Corrupted QuickBooks files: If your QuickBooks files have become corrupted, this can result in a variety of errors, including QuickBooks Error 12157.
  • Incorrect system date and time: If the date and time on your system are incorrect, this can cause issues with QuickBooks and result in Error Code 12157.
  • Multiple versions of QuickBooks installed: If you have multiple versions of QuickBooks installed on your computer, this can cause conflicts and result in errors, including Error Code 12157 QuickBooks.
  • QuickBooks server issues: If the QuickBooks server is experiencing issues, this can cause connectivity issues and result in QuickBooks Error 12157.

Common Internet Connection Issues

  • Error Code 12045 in QuickBooks
  • QuickBooks Error 12143
  • QuickBooks Error 12002
  • QuickBooks Error Code 12037
  • 12007 QuickBooks Error

Fixing QuickBooks Error Code 12157

To fix error 12157 QuickBooks , you can follow the steps below:

Step 1: Check your Internet Connectivity

Check your Internet Connectivity

  • Check your internet connection.
  • Check your router and modem.
  • Check your network cables.
  • Disable any VPN or proxy connections.
  • Check your network settings.
  • Run a network diagnostic test.
  • Contact your internet service provider (ISP).
  • Test QuickBooks connectivity.

Step 2: Check Your Firewall Settings

  • Open your firewall settings.
  • Check if QuickBooks is blocked.
  • Add QuickBooks to the exception list.
  • Check the port settings.
  • Check if the firewall is outdated.
  • Temporarily disable the firewall.
  • Check other security software.
  • Enable network discovery.

Step 3: Update Your SSL Settings

Update Your SSL Settings

If your SSL settings are preventing QuickBooks from connecting to secure sites, you can follow the steps below to update your SSL settings:

  • Open your internet options in Microsoft Edge.
  • Scroll down to the Security section on the Advanced tab..
  • Ensure that the SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 options are selected.
  • To save your changes, click Apply and then OK.

Step 4: Run a Malware or Virus Scan

  • Install an antivirus program if you don’t have one.
  • Update your antivirus software with the most recent definitions.
  • Close any programs running in the background.
  • Launch your antivirus program and select the option to run a full system scan.
  • Allow the scan to complete.
  • If any viruses or malware are found, select the option to remove them.
  • Restart your computer.


In summary, QuickBooks error 12157 can be a frustrating issue to deal with. However, by following the steps outlined in this article, you can quickly and easily resolve the issue and get back to running your business smoothly. If you encounter any issues while following these steps, feel free to reach out to our support team for further assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q.1 Can antivirus software cause QuickBooks Error 12157?

Yes, antivirus software can sometimes interfere with QuickBooks and cause QuickBooks Error 12157. This can happen if the antivirus software is blocking QuickBooks from connecting to the internet or accessing the necessary files. To resolve this issue, you can try disabling your antivirus temporarily and then attempting to update QuickBooks again. If this solves the problem, you can add QuickBooks to the exception list of your antivirus software.

Q.2 What are SSL settings and how can they cause QuickBooks Error 12157?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) settings are responsible for encrypting the data that is transmitted over the internet. If the SSL settings are not configured correctly or if there is a problem with the SSL certificate, QuickBooks may encounter QuickBooks Error 12157 while updating. To fix this issue, you can reset your SSL settings by following the troubleshooting steps recommended by QuickBooks or contacting your IT professional for assistance.

Q.3 What is the latest version of QuickBooks Desktop?

As of March 2023, the latest version of QuickBooks Desktop is QuickBooks Desktop 2023. It is always recommended to update to the latest version of QuickBooks to ensure the best performance and security.

A Complete Guide to Resolve QuickBooks Error 12157

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